Saturday, November 15, 2008


Do you know what friends do for each other?

They listen...

Even if they have never met.

So today...I listened.

So Kathy, this is for you.
I listened to your request. I heard you "shout out" and be very honest that you didn't like my background and that is was so very hard to read my clever and touching stories about absolutely nothing.

See Kathy is the only one out there that ever validates me. Comments on all my posts. Makes me feel like someone out there is listening, reading, wasting her precious time. She is my sista, my peeps, my voice of reason...okay a bit much, but....

Kathy, I respect your opinion, your brutal honesty that my background sucked, so sista, I listened.

Will this one do???


Dawn said...

Well, Kat, I just wanted to let you know I always read your blog, it's in my google reader, so I am pretty lazy and never leave commments. But I do enjoy your blog, and I like your background.

Debra Lois said...

I'm one of your blog readers, too. You're in my google reader subscriptions. :)

I like your background! The links are almost impossible to read, though. A color adjustment of those would be even more splendiferous. :D

Kathynruss said...

Aww, Kat. Such calumny! I never said it "sucked!" Only that I couldn't read the horrible red! LOL And, see, I'm not the only one who comments on your blog. How can I be brutal this time, while not being profane? My sister painted her house this color long ago and far away. Had nothing good to say then (something about babies' diapers), don't like it now! Keep trying!

Kathynruss said...

Guess my brutality killed the blogger. Sorry.