Friday, October 10, 2008

Good morning!


Got any apples?"


What's up with the silver thing in your hand?" "Holy crap, what's up with the flashing light?"

"No....I'm serious...

where are the goods lady?" "What? I have something hanging out of my mouth? I know, I know. I'm cool, you know, like the cowboys that hang a piece of grass out of their mouth? Yeah I'm going for that."
"Now back to the apples....where are they?"

"I'm getting so bored here,

I have narcalepsy you know? No seriously....sometimes I fall asleep standing up."

"Oh, it's a camera?

"Here, this is my good side. Everyone says so."

"Forget it...I give up...

I have a high metabolism, I need to eat every 30 seconds. I'll just eat some grass, since you're just standing there doing nothing with that stupid thing in your hands."


I have something hanging out of my mouth again????"

Welcome to mornings at my house. This is what I find in my backyard every morning.

Please ignore the half finished perennial bed with all the dying flowers. It's a work in progress. Just concentrate on the horse.

Actually, this is what I spend a lot of my day looking at:

Just a bunch of horse's....


Wee Hels said...

LOL - that's a fab site to see every day! I am a scaredy cat when it comes to horses [only cos they are bigger than me LOL!!]

Jules said...

awww you are a lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

that is just awesome anf fun